Meet Darren, the spirited street photographer from the charming landscapes of North Yorkshire. He's not one for sticking to the same old routine when it comes to snapping shots. Inspired by his favourite mantra, "variety is the spice of life," Darren's photography is a wild mix of emotion-driven captures that defy any attempt at categorisation.

Ditching the notion of a signature style, Darren's work is a kaleidoscope of techniques and editing styles. Whether he's freezing a candid moment from city life or capturing the subtle allure of rural scenes, each frame is a testament to his knack for finding beauty in the everyday. What sets Darren apart is his commitment to chasing not just visuals but the intangible feels that linger beneath the surface. His photos tell tales of fleeting moments, offering a peek into the tapestry of life that’s rich with genuine human connections. So, as he roams the streets of North Yorkshire with his camera, Darren continues to break free from the mould, making each click a celebration of the extraordinary in the ordinary.


These images started my passion for street photography taken in Chapeltown, Leeds in 1980. I didn't even know their was a genre o photography called "street" in those days.